
In 2020, Logista is presenting its first integrated annual report, drafted in accordance with the guidelines set out in the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)’s framework for the preparation of integrated reports and in line with the GRI standards framework. The aim is to report on the most significant aspects for the Company in the implementation of its core business activities, including detailed information on economic, social and environmental matters, on respect for human rights, combating corruption and bribery, and on corporate governance.

This report includes the updated statement on non-financial information and the annual CSR report, and has been subject to an independent external review. The independent assurance report, which includes the objectives and scope of the external review, as well as the procedures used and their conclusions, are attached as an appendix.

This document forms part of the 2020 consolidated Management Report of Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista S.A. and its subsidiary companies. It is subject to the same criteria for approval, deposit and publication as the Management Report. By drafting this report, Logista complies with the provisions of Articles 262 of the Spanish Companies Act and Article 49 of the Spanish Code of Commerce, as amended by Law 11/2018 of 28 December 2018 on non-financial information and diversity.

Scope of reporting

The report’s quantitative data correspond to the year 2020 financial year – the period from 1 October 2019 to 30 September 2020.

The qualitative information included in the report explains the historical evolution and the evolution expected by the Company from analysis of the current context. It does not make a commitment to attaining those objectives, since they are subject to risks and uncertainties.


The quantitative and qualitative information in this report encompasses all the activities carried out by 100% of Logista’s subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation.


To design the content of this report and select the significant aspects, Logista has carried out a materiality analysis to identify the most relevant aspects to report to its stakeholders, and to provide a response to non-financial information requirements under current regulations.

Materiality analysis

Logista has carried out a materiality analysis for the Company as a whole, taking into account each of the businesses within the Group.

The aim of this analysis is to understand the importance of the most relevant aspects from an internal vision of Logista’s different businesses and corporate divisions, and from an external vision of the different stakeholders.

To gain a comprehensive overview of the importance of these aspects to the Company, members of the Management Committee were consulted about their importance (rating them from 0 to 10); while to gain a comprehensive overview of the importance of these aspects to the different stakeholders (employees, suppliers, clients, investors, society as a whole), the directors of the corresponding divisions were consulted, together with other personnel, to understand the views of stakeholders with whom we work closely.

Relevant aspects:

All these relevant aspects are marked with this icon throughout the report and the table below indicates the sections that provide more information about those aspects for ease of reference for readers.

Relevant aspect Section of the integrated annual report
Economic performance Logista At a Glance
Ethics and anti-corruption Corporate governance
Good corporate governance Corporate governance
Respect for human rights Corporate governance
Equal opportunities and diversity Employee development
Employee health, safety and well-being Employee development
Environmental management Minimising environmental impact
Sustainable mobility Minimising environmental impact
Fight against climate change Minimising environmental impact
Sustainable supply chain Collaboration with suppliers
Quality of employment Employee development
Attracting, developing and retaining talent Employee development
Communication and trust Client satisfaction
Social initiatives Corporate governance
Digitalisation Strategy

This report also covers the management approach for all aspects that are not material for Logista, but does not provide as much detailed information as it does for the relevant aspects.

Materiality matrix


For further information on the 2020 financial year, Logista also publishes the following reports:

  • Annual Accounts
  • Annual Corporate Governance Report
  • Annual Report on Director Remuneration

Contents required by Law 11/ 2018

Content Reference Reporting framework
Entrepreneurial environment and business model 16-23 102-2
Organization and structure 14-15 102-2
Markets in which the company operates 8, 12 102-6
Targets and strategies 22-23 102-15
Factors and trends affecting evolution 20-23 102-15
POLITICS It will be incorporated along those chapters related to the different topics. 102-15
RISKS It will be incorporated along those chapters related to the different topics. Particularly, in Corporate goverance / Risk and Opportunity Management 102-15
Impact of the firm´s activities on the environment, and health and security 62-73 Internal framework: Qualitative description of the main effects
Environmental evaluation or certification procedures 62-63, 68 Internal framework: Qualitative description of evaluations and certificates
Precautionary principle, quantity of provisions and guarantees regarding environmental risks 65 102-11
Resources devoted to preventing environmental risks 65 Internal framework: Quantitative description of devoted resources
Measures associated with carbon emissions 69 Internal framework: Qualitative description of main measures and acts
Measures associated with light pollution, noise and others 69 Internal framework: Qualitative description of main measures and acts
Initiatives promoting circular economy 71 306-2
Measures associated with waste management 71 306-2
Actions combating food spoilage Non material, taking into account the activity sector of the Company n.a.
Water: consumption and supply 71 303-1
Raw materials: consumption and measures 71 301-1
Energy: consumption, measures and use of renewables 69-70, 72-73 302-1
Greenhouse gas emissions 68 305-1/ 305-2/ 305-3
Measures for climate change adaptation 69-70 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Targets in reducing emissions 70 Internal framework: Qualitative description of goals
Prevention measures 73 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Impacts on protected areas 73 304-2
Total number and distribution of employees by gender, age, country and professional category 48 102-8/405-1
Total number and distribution of the different modalities of labour contracts 49 102-8
Annual average of indefinite, temporal and partial contracts divided by gender, age and professional category 50-51 102-8/405-1
Number of dismissals by gender, age and professional category 51 Internal framework: Total number of dismissals during the financial year by gender, age and role
Average remuneration and evolution disaggregated by gender, age and professional category, or equal value 52 Internal framework: Average remuneration (including fixed and variable remuneration)
Pay gap, remuneration of equal job positions or societal averages 53 Internal framework: (1-(Male average remuneration-Female average remuneration) / Male average remuneration)
Average remuneration of Directors and Management team by gender 52 Internal framework: Average remuneration including fixed and variable remuneration
Politics of occupational disconnection 54 Internal framework: Qualitative description of current policies
Disabled employees 54, 57, 75 405-1
Task management 54 Internal framework: Qualitative description of the worktime organization
Number of absence hours 54 Internal framework: Number of absence hours
Measures of familiar reconciliation 54 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Health and security conditions at work 55 403-2
Work accidents by gender, highlighting their frequency and severity by gender 55


Internal framework: Frequency index = (Number of work accidents with sick leaves / Number of worked hours) * 1.000.000

Severity index= (Number of days lost due to work accident with sick leave / Number of worked hours) *1,000;

Lost Time Accidents Rate = (Number of work accidents with sick leave / Number of worked hours) * 200,000

Professional illnesses, separated by gender 55 403-2
Organization of social dialogue 18, 56 Internal framework: Qualitative description of organization of social dialogue
Percentage of employees covered by collective covenants by country 56 102-41
Balance of collective covenants in work health and security 30 403-1
Implementation of politics related to training 56 Internal framework: Qualitative description of policies
Total number of training hours by professional category 56 404-1
Universal accesibility of disabled people 57 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Adopted measures to promote equality in treatment and opportunities between women and men 31, 53, 57, 76-77 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Plans for equality and measures for promoting employement, protocols against sexual and sex-based harassment 31, 57 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Policy against discrimination and in case, diversity management 57 Internal framework: Qualitative description of diversity management
Due diligence procedures in human rights matters and if required, in their mitigation, management and repair 30-31 102-16/102-17
Complaints for the violation of human rights 30 406-1
Promotion and compliance of covenants ILO associated with the freedom of association and collective negotiation 30-31 102-16
Elimination of employment discrimination, forced and child labour 30-31 102-16
Adopted measures to prevent corruption and bribery 29 GRI 102-16/102-17
Measures to fight money laundering 29 GRI 102-16/102-17
Contributions to non-profit foundations and entities 29, 75 Internal framework: Amount of contributions in euros
Impact of activities on society: employment, local development, local populations and territory 9, 17, 74 Internal framework: Qualitative description of the impact
Dialogue with local communities 18 Internal framework: Qualitataive description of the relationships held
Collaborative actions and sponsorship 75 102-12/102-13
Inclusion of social aspects, gender equality and environmental matters in procurement policies 31, 60-61 102-9
Consideration of environmental and social aspects in the relationships with suppliers and subcontractors 60-61 102-9
Supervision systems and audits, and their respective results 60 308-2/414-2
Measures for health and security of consumers; 58-59 Internal framework: Qualitative description of measures
Complaint system, received complaints and respective resolutions 58 102-17
Profits by country before taxes 75 Internal framework: Profits (losses) before corporation taxes by country
Taxes over paid profits 75 Internal framework: Corporation tax paid by country
Public subsidies received 75 201-4

Independent verification report


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