

Our origins

Logista started its activity distributing tobacco products to tobacconists network in Spain.  

In 1999, after the Logista and Midesa (Marco Ibérica Distribución de Ediciones S.A.) merger, Logista incorporated the distribution of books and publications in Spain and Portugal.


Organic growth and diversification in Spain and Portugal

Since its creation, Logista has combined a strategy of organic growth through the permanent expansion of its offer of products and services and the diversification into new specializing sectors, with the inorganic growth through profitable acquisitions.

During the first years since its creation, these milestones are worth noting:

  • Creation of Logistadis, specialized in distribution of convenience products.
  • Incorporation of Transport Services, through the acquisition of Nacex (parcel and express courier) and Integra 2 (temperature-controlled capillary transportation), as well as the creation of Logesta (specialized in long distance and full-load transport management).
  • Creation of Logista Pharma, the Group’s subsidiary specialized in distribution for the pharmaceutical industry, providing full temperature and product status control and traceability.

International expansion, reaching extensive presence in France, Italy and Poland

In 2004, Logista starts a strong international expansion through the acquisition of Etinera and the creation of Logista Italia, becoming the leading distributor of tobacco and convenience products in Southern Europe.

In 2007, Logista takes another international boost by extending operations to Poland, with the creation of Logista Polska.

In 2008, Imperial Brands acquires Logista, which keeps its independent management and also begins managing Imperial Brands’ logistics operations in France until ultimately, in October 2012, acquires 100% of the business and create Logista France (formerly called ADF Group).


Back to the stock market

In 2014, Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista Holdings, S.A.U. is created as parent company of the operating company Compañía de Distribución Integral Logista  S.A.U (former Group’s parent company), which is listed on the Spanish stock markets on July 14th 2014. Previously, Logista was a listed company from 2000 to 2008, when after acquisition by Imperial Brands, was excluded.

In 2015, Logista is included in the IBEX Medium Cap index with the largest companies by market capitalization, adjusted by free float, after those in the IBEX. And in 2018 becomes part of the IBEX Top Dividend index, with the 25 securities with the highest dividend yield among those in the IBEX 35, IBEX Medium Cap or IBEX Small Cap, as long they have at least a 2-year record paying ordinary dividends. Loagista also is part of the FTSE4Good index, composed by companies that show solid practices in good governance, environmental and social matters.

Since 2016, CDP is acknowledging Logista as one of the world leaders fighting climate change, including the company in its “A-List” and, in 2018, as “CDP Supplier Leader 2018” for its performance in the “CDP´s Supply Chain Program”.



Logista is today the undisputed leader in the distribution of products and services to proximity retailers in Europe.

It distributes tobacco and convenience products, top-ups, pharmaceuticals, books, publications and lottery, among others, to some 200,000 points of sale in Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Benelux.

Logista keeps strengthening its already consolidated businesses, while expanding its business base, reinforcing its growth areas and increasing its relations.