Share and share capital information



Share Capital

As of 30 September 2024, Logista had a share capital, fully subscribed and paid, of €26,550,000, represented by 132,750,000 shares of €0.20 par value each.  All shares are of single class and series, and have the same rights. ​


Share capital evolution

Fiscal year Number of shares Share Capital (€)
2024 132,750,000 26,550,000
2023 132,750,000 26,550,000
2022 132,750,000 26,550,000
2021 132,750,000 26,550,000
2020 132,750,000 26,550,000
2019 132,750,000 26,550,000
2018​ 132,750,000​ ​26,550,000
2017​ ​132,750,000​​ ​26,550,000​​​
​2016 132,750,000​ 26,550,000​​
​2015 ​132,750,000​ ​26,550,000​
2014​ ​​132,750,000​​ 26,550,000​​


Since July 14, 2014, Logista's (Logista Integral, S.A.) shares are trading on the four Spanish Stock Exchanges Markets: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Bilbao, as well as on the Spanish Automated Quotation System with the ISIN code ES0105027009.


Treasury Shares

​At 31 December 2024, the Company held 735,967 own shares​.


Significant Shareholdings 

You may consult the CNMV's register of Significant Shareholdings and Directors, by accessing the CNMV's website directly.